Monday, January 12, 2015

House concert!

A good friend of Dave Polston and former band mate will be performing a house concert at Steve Langfords home:
House concert by DBA member Ky Burt
The Sandalwood Cooperative presents a Gabrielle Louise and Ky Burt concert at Oro Valley House Concerts Saturday, January 17th at 7:30 pm.  A donation of $12 - $15 is suggested. The Concert will be at the home of
Steve and Joey
9140 N. Shadow Mt. Dr.
Oro Valley, AZ 85704
This promises to be a memorable evening!  Reserve your seats as soon as possible by either calling 520-297-1245 or sending an email to
Gabrielle Louise is a singer/songwriter and storyteller from Boulder, CO. Half her time she's touring and making records, and the other half she's gardening, painting, or making something with her hands. Of her original music and performance David McGee, New York City music critic and previous editor for Rolling Stone, has said: "She executes a captivating balance of heartache and resolve." Since graduating Berklee College of Music in 2007, Gabrielle has toured extensively throughout the United States and released several records, the most recent of which is called "The Bird in my Chest" and is accompanied by a book of short stories and poems. It can be heard in full or downloaded on Bandcamp. 
Ky Burt is a multi-instrumentalist, singer, and songwriter currently based in northern Arizona. He's spent nearly a decade working as a watershed scientist and environmental educator traveling and playing music in Appalachia, the Rocky Mountains, and the Desert Southwest. Now he is building his musical voyage around these experiences, providing a show that features multi-instrumental work (guitar, banjo, harmonica), crafty songwriting, and sonic rhythms reminiscent of the attics, cellars, and porch steps of American music. Ky has recently released his first EP, When We Might Float Away, which is available for download on Bandcamp.
Gabrielle's and Ky's sets will both be accompanied by one another, and a backing band that is comprised of Melanie Williams and Justin Thompson. 
Melanie plays Bass, Ukulele, and Percussion. Her radiant soprano harmonies and supportive bass lines surround the melody line. We have come to call this phenomenon the "Mel Train". Mel's ear for harmony and rhythm is unparalleled, and her supportive subtlety is so             tasty!
Justin will support Gabrielle and Ky playing Guitar, Bass, Mandolin, and Percussion. Justin has stylized harmonies and inventive instrumentation. He contributes an undeniable consonance when it comes to the traditional country and folk duet form. Though he is a powerhouse act on his own, Justin blends with Gabrielle and Ky's style to create a distinctive sound.
For more information, check out their websites:

Youtube channel Links (watch live video!) 
Gabrielle Louise:
Ky Burt:

Bandcamp Links (listen to their full records!) 
Gabrielle Louise:
Facebook Pages: (make friends!)
Gabrielle Louise:
Ky Burt:

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